Sunday, July 19, 2020

Project 4 Part 2 Moving camera & still object
ISO 800 F5.6  1.0 S

Part 3 Moving the camera  with flash
ISO 1600 F5.6 1.0 S

1 comment:

  1. Wesley,
    both of your pictures have a lot of character and contrast. I really like how the first picture leaves you completely clueless as to what the viewer is looking at. You did an excellent job with the first picture.

    As for the second picture there is no doubt that there as a lot of creativity and effort put in to capture this photo. However, there are a few things that could be done to improve it. I would start with taking the picture in a darker setting. The white walls in the background are somewhat distracting.

    Overall great work with your project this week! You have a lot of awesome pictures on this blog!


Final Post #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9